PHlow Glossary
Big hair, noun. - a halo of coils, curls, and wavs that emphasizes large volume.
Conditioning Cap, noun. - A plastic or satin cap that is used to allow treatments to penetrate the scalp. Can be used with or without heat.
Deep condition, verb. – to saturate the roots, coils, curls, and waves with nourishing and intensive products. Can hydrate and soften the hair.
Essential Oil, noun. - oils extracted from plants and used to promote and enhance healthy hair and scalp.
Hair Tonic, noun. - a special blend of hair oil used as a treatment, sealant, or moisturizer.
Hydration, noun. - when moisture is added to the hair to help improve the absorption of water retention and nutrients. Note: Hair is not supposed to be dry. Hydration is the key to healthy hair.
Moisturize, noun. – when the outer layer of hair is coated with oil or a butter consistency product. The process of making the hair smooth and easy to maintain and manipulate.
Natural PH of hair, noun. - the acidic level in which your hair should be. The natural PH should sit between 4.5 – 5.5 on the PH scale. This can be disturbed by coloring, bleaching and hair care products.
Natural texture, noun. – the original, authentic texture that has not been disturbed or altered.
Organic, adjective. – free from synthetic additives; no genetic engineering; nontoxic and gentle. The most effective for hair care.
Promote, verb. -to support the progress of healthy hair and hair growth.
Sealant, noun. – used to protect and seal the outer layer of the hair.
Treatment, noun. - oil based, cream based, or conditioner used to manage hair problems such as dryness, thinning hair, itchy scalp, shedding, moisture, etc.